SOKKS®-Micro Particle Conditioning Systems (SOKKS®-MPTS) is developed for detection dogs, to condition them for the selective recognition of odors and detection of odor sources. SOKKS® is the result of scientific research that uses only real microparticles (no synthetic microparticles). SOKKS®-MPTS is intended to support canine police, military or private use. SOKKS®-MPTS tubes are tubes onto which specific microparticles from real active materials are grafted. This choice of microparticles and their quantities has been carefully studied by scientists. SOKKS-MPTS® training aids are NOT PSEUDO! It is PURE ODOR in minute quantities. Your dog will still detect larger quantities, only now he will be surer and faster in his response with increased drive and desire. SOKKS-MPTS® training aids are imported from Europe and Elite K-9 is the exclusive US distributor. |